Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Double Prizes!

I arrived home yesterday to a box in the middle of the kitchen floor (?!) and found: Books! Mine!! Books wot I wrote! Bluebeard... at last.

And today, was awarded Notable Story Pick of the Week on the Writer's Digest flash-fiction prompt competition!! My first creative writing "award" for a prompt called "Photogenic Stranger." If you're interested, see the link here:,category,NotableStoryPicks.aspx .


  1. A thousand congratulations! Woohoo!

  2. I'm glad I took your link to your blog. It was fun reading more about you and your writing accomplishments. WOW! It makes it all the more humbling to be writing along with you in the blogs. CONGRATS on your book and accolades.

  3. Thanks, Patricia. Likewise! The WD thing is fun, and I always look for your contributions to it.
