- they want a phone.
- they want it now.
- they don't want to hear the (many) logical reasons why their parents think the request is far-fetched to the point of farcical.
So, they waged a siege. And then, they made the compelling case: if we purchase them tracphones, they will buy the minutes.
The proposal had these benefits, they argued:
- no contracts!
- no parental expense!
- child learning opportunity!
- no money = no minutes = not a parent problem!
And, I bought them (first the argument, and then the tracphones).
This weekend, both children received them. In bed last night, Daughter hummed happily: "I have a phone... I have a phone... I have a phone..." And then, "I can't believe I have a phone..." And then: "I can't believe you bought an eight year old a phone..." And then: "I can't believe you fell for it!"
Hmm. I've been duped.