Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I Like It, Sam-I-Am

The pleasures of writing the sonnet are many, I'm sure, but not least among them is the ties that bind: the rules themselves. There are so many! And the poem so short! How can you possibly write a new one? (Here's how! Ta-da...)

Enter: new discovery. Writing for emerging readers is just like that! And now (I guess) I know how Dr. Seuss felt. Take a list of grade-leveled words, and restrict yourself to it. Now, write a child-friendly, innovative story. The rigor of it is wonderful and bracing. I like an unfettered imagination as much as anybody but, Houdini-like, sonnet-like, (dare I say it:) Dr. Seuss-like, the trick is in taking the ties that bind and making them work for you. I'm hooked.


  1. Sounds like fabulous fun. Those are the kinds of restrictions that can be liberating! I can't wait to see some more of your new stuff.

  2. Thanks, Colleen! Hope to see you today, in fact, if you're around.
