Monday, April 4, 2011

Writing is Obsessive

This morning I read a tweet from an SCBWI colleague, who posted (at midnight) that she was in bed with her manuscript. And I understood completely, since I was up too early and pondering the same book mapping exercise that she is undertaking. We're all slaves to a homework assignment posed by Cheryl Klein, editor extraordinaire at Arthur A. Levine books (and she of Harry Potter continuity editing fame). I ordered a copy of her book Second Sight on revision, and it has once again been a paradigm shift of an exercise (and I've only just begun). I guess that is the good thing about revision. Every time I think I have the ms done, I'm back to the drawing board. But the book gets better every time too which, after all, is surely the point.


  1. It's so great that you have a manuscript to obsess over. Go, You! I think that's fabulous. And I know what you mean about obsessing. I stopped taking dissertation work to bed b/c I'd get all wired and riled up and would stay up too late. Come to think of it, I *did* get more done back then . . . Hmmmm.

    These days, when I turn out the light, I lie there an plan my YA book. But since I haven't actually written anything, it's more mental meandering than obsession (thus very relaxing).

  2. Thanks, GEW. I get riled up if I try to think about it after about 9pm (boy, am I old)! Looking back, the first "I'm finished!" draft was pretty crappy. I should have plotted more meticulously. But then what would I have to obsess over now, right?

    Enjoy the YA planning (pre-writing!). One day, la[ss], all this will be yours...

  3. Hooray LKL! Keep up the awesomeness.

  4. Why, thank you Ink. And ditto to my awesome friends!

  5. I joined SCBWI! I haven't had much time to poke around the site, but I figured I might as well join and check things out. I think I also might try to explore the possibility of doing some children's magazine writing or something. Maybe this summer I can look into it and try to get started. In the meantime, I'll start trying to learn stuff.

    Also, I followed some of your links, and I bought an Elizabeth Bunce book for my Kindle! And it seems that Kansas is a hotbed of good YA writers!

  6. I just realized that I had way too many exclamation points in my comment. !

  7. GEW: congrats!! Exclamation marks entirely warranted.

    I think you'll get a lot out of the SCBWI membership, and welcome to the community! Have fun writing, and don't fret. The learning curve is steep. But that's part of what makes it fun!
