Friday, March 12, 2010

Much Like Our Tax Return

Our spring break hasn't even arrived yet, and it's been "spent" several times over. Somehow, without benefit of a warp in the space-time continuum, we are supposed to :

  • Do our taxes (I know, I know);
  • Go to Kansas City for writer's workhop (yay);
  • Go to St. Louis for two nights for another writer's workshop (yay) this time taking the fam along to do zoo/museum/hotel pool/restaurant/arch things on the side;
  • Hook up with family 1 for lazy afternoon of games, letting the kids play and generally run amok;
  • Spend a day or two in PJs (because how else will we know it's a break?);
  • Get one day at work each;
  • Plant a garden;
  • Paint the MIL's porch;
  • Reorganize, declutter, and generally "spring clean" the joint;
  • Take the kids bike riding...

    You get the idea. Daughter wrote her own list last night after baths. It said:

    Snow cones [I wasn't going to tell her NOT to use the "w" now, was I?].
    Remy's house.

    I prefer her list. We still get a garden started, but no tax return to do, and we don't have to go to work at all.


  1. I LOVE your tax return analogy! Perfect! And I love your daughter's list, too. (Although the writing conferences sound great!)

  2. Thanks, GEW. It's the buy now, pay later mentality at work in every facet of life, right?

  3. I understand this feeling! And I definitely think snow cones should be on both lists...

  4. Can we blame this snow storm on the snow-cone wish? Snow balls, snow forts, snow angels. . . . Typical Spring Break.

  5. Yes! Or my desire not to do any more yard work!
