Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Big Dog Has His First Eighth Birthday

At the tail end of summer, earlier “late” bedtimes have become much, much later bedtimes… Monday night, Daughter wandered out of her bedroom at 10.35 pm:

Daughter: I just need a glue stick. And scissors.
Us: ---? It’s long past your bedtime!
Daughter, getting tearful: But I just realized it’s Big Dog’s *birthday tomorrow! [*stuffed animal.] And I have to make him a card!
Us, in soothing tones: That’s great. You can make him a card in the morning.
Daughter: But he’s going to be eight!

Daughter could only be mollified and sent back to bed if Hubby wrote “Big Dog’s B/day” on his hand (because neither child trusts to our memory, wisely). As a result, Big Dog scored: a homemade cake, frosted and with his name on it, candles, cards, and song. Daughter made an elaborate birthday hat for BD.

Her first words to me this morning: Hooray! Now it's Blankie's birthday today!


  1. OOOooo no. Not another birthday! Isn't it hard when you've got a bunch right in a row? LOL. Well played, kiddo, but no cake today. Kids are so funny.

  2. No kidding. She figured out the "cake code" alright, Fie!

  3. Too many birthdays... to few cakes, GEW!
